Maintenance is considered functional checks, servicing, repairing, or replacing of necessary infrastructure. This might include:
- roofs
- fences
- electrical and plumbing
- general upkeep (interior / exterior painting, etc.).
Maintaining the property to an acceptable standard is a requirement of participating in the Victorian Homebuyer Fund. Prior approval from either Unity Bank or the SRO is not needed for maintenance.
Example: Steve calls a technician to service his gas ducted heating and is advised it is dangerous and needs replacing. Because this is a replacement of necessary infrastructure, Steve does not require prior permission for the work to be done. The cost of the new heater will not be considered when assessing any increase or decrease in the value of his property.
Minor renovations
Generally, any renovations under $10,000 would be considered minor and would not require approval from either Unity Bank or the SRO.
Example: Matt and Bill have saved up $8,000 and decide they want to refresh their ensuite. Because the value of the renovations is less than $10,000 and they do not require planning permission, they can undertake the renovations without approval from either Unity Bank or the SRO, which they do. As minor renovations are not considered an approved renovation, there is no impact on future Proportional Interest Amount calculations.
Approved renovations
Any renovations costing $10,000 or more or those requiring building or council permits must have prior approval by Unity Bank and the SRO.
The value added by a renovation, if any, will be determined by the Valuer-General Victoria around the time a participant makes a payment to the Victorian Homebuyer Fund. It is important to note that the cost of the renovation may be different to the change in value.
Example 1: Sandeep and Susan purchase a property for $600,000 under the Scheme, which is the same as the initial valuation amount. The Government’s share in the property is $150,000 (25%).
After 10 years, Sandeep and Susan decide to exit the scheme. They had not made any earlier repayments.
The Valuer-General Victoria conducts a valuation and values the property at $750,000.
Sandeep and Susan conducted $25,000 of approved renovations. The Valuer-General-Victoria determined this increased the value of the property by an additional $20,000.
The amount Sandeep and Susan must pay the Government back is $182,500, i.e 25% x ($750,000 - $20,000 + 0).
It is important to note, the value the renovation added to the property, was assessed by the Valuer-General Victoria and subtracted from the valuation to determine the value of the Government’s interest in the property.
Example 2: Brian and Fatimah have saved $10,000 to build a deck off their family room and apply to Unity Bank for permission, which is approved.
A few years later when they decide to make a payment on the property to pay down some of the State’s interest, a valuation is done on the property by the Valuer-General Victoria.
Any value the deck has added to the home will be assessed by the Valuer-General Victoria and subtracted from their valuation to determine the value of the State’s proportional interest in the property.